23-24 Epic Acronyms


*Updated 10/2020*


ACT - American College Testing

API - Application Programming Interface

AR - Accounts Receivable
BC - Birth Certificate

BLC – Blended Learning Center

BTC – Building Test Coordinator
CR - Credit Recovery

CT or CTE - Career & Technology Education

DTD – Director of Teacher Development

DLM - Dynamic Learning Maps

EC - EpiCenter

EE - Epic Essentials
ELA - English Language Arts

ELL - English Language Learners
EU - Epic U

FERPA - Family Educational Rights Protection Act

GAP - Generating Academic Potential
GC - Google Classroom

GSM – Graduation Support Manager

GUI - Graphical User Interface

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 

HR – Human Resources

ICAP - Individualized Career Academic Plan

IEP - Individualized Education Program

ILP – Individual Learning Plan
IXL - Supplemental Program

MAP - Measures of Academic Progress

MAS - Municipal Accounting System

MC - MasteryConnect

MDI - Managing Director of Instruction
MPR - Monthly Progress Report
NCAA - National Collegiate Athletic Association

LF – Learning Fund

OAAP - Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program

OAS - Oklahoma Academic Standards

OKVHS - Oklahoma Virtual High School
OKVPA - Oklahoma Virtual Preparatory Academy
OOC - Out of Compliance (in regard to SPED)

OW – OdysseyWare

OWA – OdysseyWare Academy

PLC - Professional Learning Community

PLP – Personal Learning Plan
PR - Performance Report

REG ED - Regular Education

RSA - Reading Sufficiency Act

RTI - Response to Intervention

SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test
SIS - Student Information System

SPED – Special Education
SPR - Student Performance Report
SS - Social Studies

SSM – System Support Manager
TA - Test Administrator
TP - Test Proctor

UI - User Interface

WAVE - Web Automated Verification of Enrollment
W/D - Withdraw

WIDA - World-class Instructional Design and Assessment

504 - Section 504 of the US Rehabilitation Act of 1973